Introducing Harmony G2 | Stewart Filmscreen’s New Weave Screen Material

Introducing Harmony G2 | Stewart Filmscreen’s New Weave Screen Material

News, Stewart Filmscreen

Stewart’s Harmony G2, the soon-to-be reference weave screen material, is now available. The new acoustically transparent weave screen provides unsurpassed audio clarity and visual fidelity.

  1. Less Signal Loss Means Less Compensating EQ
    1. Harmony G2 provides more mid to high frequency – 1 to 2 dB in the 5 kHz to 20 kHz range providing the listener with a bright sonic experience.
  2. Optimal Speaker Placement
    1. An accurate soundstage is a perfect complement to all content, creating an immersive experience that suspends disbelief.
  3. No “Blue Bump”
    1. Carefully developed to produce the best color rendition, Harmony G2 produces primary and secondary colors that are true to life. There is no “blue bump” as seen in many competitors’ woven screens.
  4. Wide Viewing Cone
    1. Harmony G2 provides a wide viewing cone, making every seat a great seat – all while delivering a knockout image.
  5. Available on these Stewart models
    1. VistaScope, VistaScope EVO, Director’s Choice, Director’s Choice EVO, Balon Series, CineCurve, WallScreen 2.5, WallScreen Deluxe, AT 3.0, and AT 1.5

Harmony G2 – Performance Facts

Click Here to Learn more about the Performance Results

Click here to Download the Harmony G2 Test Results by SH Acoustics

Click here to Download the Harmony G2 Visual Test Results