Stewart Filmscreen introduces VistaScope EVO

Stewart Filmscreen introduces VistaScope EVO

News, Stewart Filmscreen

A new bespoke cinematic screen for home theatres has been launched from Stewart Filmscreen.

The VistaScope EVO is Stewart Filmscreen’s statement product for the super large flat screen with constant height and multi-aspect viewing experiences.

Creating an even bigger image, the screen features thinner borders and fully retractable masking. With its thinner four-in top and bottom borders, and 4.5-in side borders, VistaScope EVO presents a bigger image and vividly improved viewing experience.

Scaling up to 80 x 192-in, VistaScope EVO cleverly hides its advanced two-way continuously variable masking screen system behind the new thinner borders. When matched with one of Stewart’s 16K+ reference screen materials, such as SnoMatte 100, StudioTek 100, StudioTek 130 G4, and the soon to be announced knit weave Harmony G2, VistaScope EVO ensures constant height, quick installation and a high-end cinematic experience.

With the choice to have the screen wall or aperture mounted, it presents a native 2.40:1 aspect ratio and will matte any smaller aspect ratio exactly, via independent, digitally controlled, memory equipped masking elements.

The masking panels feature crisp edges and are made with super black and super acoustically transparent fabrics.

Stewart Filmscreen’s Continuous Variable Masking (CVM) control system lets users program and preset aspect ratios with ease. The control system integrates into most home automation systems seamlessly.

The VistaScope EVO presents a maximum image height of 80-in and a maximum image width of 192-in. For an even bigger image, the VistaScope 300 has a maximum image height of 90-in and a maximum image width of 216-in.

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